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The Church Isn't Stopping. It's Streaming.

Jeremy Goldsborough • March 23, 2020

This past Sunday was a unique experience for so many of us.

As we continue to watch this worldwide pandemic unfold, it has impacted almost every part of our routine.

I was so encouraged yesterday.

As I scrolled through Facebook and Youtube early in the morning, I was thrilled to see church after church delivering God's message of hope over the internet.

Many were live streaming, others pre-recorded and uploaded video or audio.

I have a couple of pastor friends who held a "drive-in service" in the church parking lot, complete with an FM transmitter so that the people could tune in on their car radios.

My local church hosted a huge video conference call where over 200 of us gathered live to worship, share prayer requests, and hear the preaching of God's Word.

Perhaps some of you simply could not leverage the latest technology, so you made phone calls.

However you gathered this past week, it simply added to the mountain of truth that declares God's church as much more than four walls and a steeple.

The local church is a called out assembly of like-minded believers.

We can be displaced, but we can't be dissolved.

Our existence doesn't depend on classrooms, pews, hymnals, or nurseries.

We weren't founded on those. They aren't our rallying point.

We were founded on Christ.

As long as Jesus is alive, we will always have our rallying point.

So Sunday, we rallied. We held onto hope. We preached Jesus however we could.

As the many questions continue this week, we know one thing is sure.

God is here, and hope is alive! What an opportunity to be the church.

If your church is looking to "step up" your video live stream or online giving options this week, I'm here to help you. Whether you're a Spirelight Web customer, or not, I'm here to serve you.

I've created a couple of videos around the two most popular questions I've been hearing at Spirelight Web:

Hopefully these videos will provide some answers for you.

How can I help you this week?

Please reach out to and let me know.

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